Katherine Bianca B. Ramirez

Web Content Writer
Katherine Bianca B. Ramirez

My name is Katherine Bianca B. Ramirez and my role at GOSEARCH is Web Content Writer which means my days generally include writing contents and filling a blank white paper with all my thoughts and ideas.

What’s your morning ritual to set you up for a productive day?

To start my day right, I would start by taking a cold bath to awaken my sleeping cells and drink a hot chocolate drink with my breakfast. It’s my kind of fueling myself with an enough amount of energy.

Your favourite thing about your job is…

My favorite thing about my job is turning my passion into my profession. It’s not that easy to get a work that is really in line with the course you finished or with the passion you innately have.

Where do you want to be in five years?

In five years, I want to travel with my parents while giving all their wants and needs. I can’t see myself having a family until I find my parents proud of what I have become.

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a killer week at work?

Aside from sleeping, I always go book hunting – I love hunting for Sidney Sheldon books but unfortunately, they are hard to find.

How did you get to where you are now at GOSEARCH?

I patiently wait for the so-called “God’s perfect time”. I actually tell my parents that after I applied at GoSearch, I can’t see myself applying for more jobs. Then I am very much grateful because God granted me with this kind of blessing that I would treasure forever.

If you could have any other job what would it be?

If I would be asked to stop writing, I would rather be working with Animal Welfare Associations. I hate seeing animals getting hurt. Because I believe that God created human to take care of the first living things He created before us – animals, nature, and the mother earth.


2407 Cityland 10 Tower 2 H.V. Dela Costa Street Makati, 1227 Manila, Philippines




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